This course is intended to provide the basic knowledge and general shipboard galley familiarization required for personnel who will be assigned duties and responsibilities in the galley as a Steward’s assistant.
Each student who successfully completes this course will be provided the basic knowledge in order to succeed in a position working in a ship’s Galley / Steward department along with receiving basic seamanship skills required for all deck hands. The detailed teaching syllabus covers all essential basic elements unique to working onboard a vessel at sea. Those who successfully complete this course should be able to undertake the duties and responsibilities of a Steward’s assistant, which include, but are not limited to: 1. Basic Seamanship 2. Regional fleet knowledge (Blue vs Brown vs Freshwater) 3. Vessel Courtesy 4. Seamanship / Culinary Safety Awareness Training 5. Crew Likes and Dislikes 6. Overboard Discharge rules and regulations 7. Deck Drains systems 8. Vessel plumbing and electricity 9. Vessel housekeeping duties 10. Basic Crane Safety & Introduction to Rigging 11. Training on Receiving Food/Supply deliveries from vendors 12. Galley Safety 13. Basic Cooking Safety Skills 14. Galley Menu planning 15. Ship Chandler Order planning 16. Company Budget planning
The cost of the course (includes $15 for ServSafe Certification)
Deposit is $215 (Nonrefundable / Non-Transferable) (Balance paid on 1st day of class).