Marc Burd | Bluewater Maritime School

Marc Burd

Deputy Director (USCG, Retired / Merchant Mariner, Captain)

Native of Southern Illinois, but recently moved to Florida to work at Bluewater Maritime in January 2024. 1996 Graduate of US Coast Guard Academy. 20+ years of USCG Service as a Cutterman, Law Enforcement Boarding Officer, Search and Rescue Coordination - afloat and ashore, international relations, and maritime security/defense specialist. 200 Ton Master License (Near Coastal). 2016-2017 Armed maritime security officer for Tier 1 U.S. maritime infrastructure. 2017-2018 Maritime Security/Defense Consultant to UAE Coast Guard and Border Patrol. 2018-2023 General Manager of Ship Chandler and Captain of the supply vessel OJIBWAY in the northern U.S. Great Lakes Region. Overall 30+ years of professional domestic and international maritime experience. Marc is excited to be part of the crew here at Bluewater Maritime and to apply his experience and knowledge to all future classes.


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